one of the things i usually do when i'm outside (which isn't very often cough...cough...) is looking around in yard sales
or old stores for old movies, games, or just general abandoned stuff... it's kind of my hobby now to collect old abandoned things at this point, as embarassing
as it sounds hehe...
my favorite genre of movies has become horror! especially horror thats a bit more... far out than the usual gore and monster movies >:)
here are reviews of some of my favorites:
CARRIE (1983)
the story of a young misunderstood girl whose mother is a religous freak...! ultimately, she gets her revenge on everyone that has ever made her suffer, but i won't spoil the incredibly eerie ending it has, you should discover it on your own! although by this time, it has become iconic, hasn't it?
this movie has definitely resonated with me... perhaps its weird for a guy to see himself in a young girl suffering but... wait its too weird, no more of this review!
a very intriguing yet shockingly gorey movie, hellraiser shows many different aspects of pain, both good and bad, both pleasurable and hurtful,
when you are done watching it, you will probably feel like you have experienced some sort of weird, masochist fantasy for sure.
realistically, i dont understand this movie very well, but i feel a strange attraction towards it... watch it if you dig cool hellish humanoid designs
a haunting, eerie movie about the effects of fame, the pressure of the people around you and ultimately the losing of one-self...
this has quickly become one of my favorite movies, the way it presents the separation of the selves due to the internal conflict between them, its so realistically presented i cannot help but let it resonate with me... and all of it to end in such a surprising conclusion...! i hope that never happens to me
perhaps not everyone is what they seem at first...